Sunday, October 21, 2007

Current Traffic Generation System Being Tested

The current traffic generation and list building system I am currently working with is The Traffic Exchange Trickster.

This is a free system that allows you to earn income, build a list and generate traffic excahnge credits using a simple to understand system which takes advantage of traffic exchanges and their ability to reach thousands of marketers instantly.

Earn Money, Build a Large List, and Generate Unlimited Traffic Credits Exploiting the Viral Power of Traffic Exchanges and the Free -Never Before Seen - T.E.T. System
If you would like to test this system out with me, or would just like the free ebook so you can follow along, you can download it here

To date, I have averaged 2 subscribers/downloads a day, which isn't bad. I mean it ain't no guru-type list building, but it is progress.


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