Monday, February 11, 2008

Concerns about Adsense

I was informed yesterday that it is against Adsense terms to have their ads displayed on any pages that are promoted in traffic exchanges. I read Adsense's terms again and could find nothing about where we can promote our pages or about traffic exchanges.

I'm talking about landing pages and splash pages such as :

If anyone knows about this rule or non-existent rule I'd appreciate hearing from you. I posted the question on the Adsense help forum, but haven't received an answer.


Saturday, February 2, 2008

A New Source of Income - Widget Bucks

Hi again guys and gals,

I almost forgot to mention a new income source I'm testing out: Widget Bucks.

Widget Bucks is a new and growing ad network that you can use in conjunction with Adsense.

It's free to join and you can collect your commissions at $25 via paypal.

Earn $$ with WidgetBucks!

Giveaway Event Updates

Good Day All,

It's Saturday, and I'm working AGAIN LOL. Seems I'm always doing that... Ah the life of an internet marketer.

The reason I promote giveaways is first and foremost, they are very effective at building my list, and second, they are great places to get high quality products for free.

Anyway, here's the latest news on what's going on in the Giveaway Events world:

*** Currently Live (ongoing) **

Impact Giveaway: member contributor

JV Monthly Giveaway: members

Big Fat Giveaway: Contributor

Valentine's Giveaway: members

*** New ***

Massive Monthly Giveaway February: contributor

Great Ipod Giveaway:

Giveaway Giant:

IM Giveaway! members contributors

** Over **

The Giant Giveaway
117 Christmas Gifts
New Years Giveaway
Safelist Toolbox IM Giveaway

Have a great weekend and go get yourself some freebies.
