Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Have you picked up your 100s of free ebooks, reports & software yet?

Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven't update the blog much lately... but I've been a downloading fool.

Have you downloaded all the high-quality free products from all the amazing JV giveaways yet? If not, whatcha waiting for...They're all free.

And if you have a product or list and want to build subscribers...you REALLY need to join these JVs as a contributor... I'm tellin' ya, they're amazing events.

Here are the top JV Giveaways going on right now...sign up and get some great products that you'd otherwise have to pay up to $100 for.

The JV Code Giveaway

to sign up as a member: http://thecodegifts.com/index.php?id=286
to sign up as a contributor: http://thecodegifts.com/jvinvite.php?id=286

The Big Thanksgiving Giveaway

to sign up as a member: http://www.bigthanksgivinggiveaway.com/go/nyxpublishing/home
to sign up as a contributor: http://www.bigthanksgivinggiveaway.com/go/jv/nyxpublishing

The Great Fall Giveaway

to sign up as a member: http://www.greatjvgiveaway.com/jv/members/4
to sign up as a contributor: http://www.greatjvgiveaway.com/jv/partners/1

The Work At Home Giveaway: http://www.117workathomegifts.com/jv/index.php?id=317

The Lightening Giveaway 3: http://www.lightninggiveaway.com/?thankyou-page=3632

The Product Creation Giveaway: http://www.productcreationgiveaway.com/jv/members/175

Take my word for it, there are some great, high-quality products in these events. I've been downloading like a kid in a candy store. I just love these events.

If you have any questions about these giveaways, just email me. I'll do whatever I can to answer your questions.

Enjoy all your freebies.


Saturday, November 3, 2007


Hello All :-)

Just a quick post about JV Giveaways.

If you don't know what JV Giveaways are, they're short-term events that offer a variety of free products such as software, ebooks, scripts, memberships, reports and more. Often the products come with private lable or master resale rights. The only cost to you is your subscription to the gift giver's list.

If you have a product to promote, then these events are a must. By offering a gift to members, you're getting your name out there, and you have the ability to offer other products as a one time offer, or via email promotion.

Here are four of the best giveaways going on right now:

You'll get hundreds of high-quality products for free...
so what are you waiting for?

Have fun!


TET System Update

Hello fellow netpreneurs.

I hope everything has been going well for you. I haven't updated the blog in a week or so due to medical issues...but I'll try to post more often.... Anyway, on to the stuff your here to read about.

I must say I am having some success with the Traffic Exchange Trickster Program. Although it took some work to finally get my affiliate link right in ebook and, thusly, on the order page. I had to finally give in and watch the video. The reason I didn't watch it to begin with is because I'm stuck with a dial-up connection. Video is agonizingly slow and usually so broken up it's nearly impossible to watch or hear. But I had to do it, so I spent an hour waiting for it to load. It was worth it. Once I watched it I easily added my links and got everything set up properly.

Now for the update on the nitty-gritty. My list is growing slowly, but steadily. I've sold one resell package and I'm getting a decent amount of hits to my landing page (about 100 a day). That isn't really much, but I've been so busy with getting my gift packages prepared and set up for some great JV Giveaways that I haven't been doing as much promotion and traffic generation as I usually do.

While I'm on the subject, if you're interested in getting tons of free, high-quality products like ebooks, software, memberships, scripts, etc. you need to sign up for a few giveaways. And if you have a product to promote...there's no better way to do it than with a giveaway. Read my next post for more information on giveaways.

Thanks for reading.
P.S If you haven't yet downloaded your free copy of the Traffic Exchange Trickster Program (technique for earning traffic, opt-in list members and cash) do so here!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Ultimate Super Tip TOTALLY FREE

There's a new Ebook I have just come across which I predict will become very popular.

It presents a strategy for selling any type of product using methods which will never become obsolete. Plus an ingenious twist which will send your traffic skyrocketing.

The Ultimate SuperTip, written by Harvey Segal (Mr SuperTips) is neatly set out, easy to follow, written without hype and not littered with annoying links.

And the cost of this book ?

It's free ! And get this; you don't even have to subscribe to any list or newsletter!

And it ends with an amazing idea for making you money from the book itself.

I'd rush to get this book now if I were you. Click here and start making money today.

1,000,000 Free Google Adword Ads!

Click here to get Google ads FREE

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Instant Cash Payouts

Product Review

InstantCashPayouts.com - Pump Out Hot Little Original eBooks That Sell Like Crazy

The internet isn’t just rewriting the book on the way we entertain ourselves, it is also making many people wealthy, really dirty filthy gigantic bank account wealthy. One of the best ways of all time to make money through the internet is by selling information products.

This e-book will take you step by step through how to launch your own information product and profit from them.

I have read this ebook cover to cover twice now. If you're at all interested in getting into the online information business, you definitely need to read this ebook. It covers every topic from finding the right product, to finding the best market, to generating traffic. And it is written in plain, easy to understand, English.

As an added bonus you're given the opportunity to earn 100% commission with this ebook.

Out of 5, I rate this ebook ***1/2

To our success,


Current Traffic Generation System Being Tested

The current traffic generation and list building system I am currently working with is The Traffic Exchange Trickster.

This is a free system that allows you to earn income, build a list and generate traffic excahnge credits using a simple to understand system which takes advantage of traffic exchanges and their ability to reach thousands of marketers instantly.

Earn Money, Build a Large List, and Generate Unlimited Traffic Credits Exploiting the Viral Power of Traffic Exchanges and the Free -Never Before Seen - T.E.T. System
If you would like to test this system out with me, or would just like the free ebook so you can follow along, you can download it here

To date, I have averaged 2 subscribers/downloads a day, which isn't bad. I mean it ain't no guru-type list building, but it is progress.


Saturday, October 20, 2007

My Current Income Streams

Adsense is one of the most popular forms of additional income generation. If you're not familiar with Google's Adsense you can read more about it here.

Amazon offers a variety of products that you can promote and earn a commission with. Myself, because of the nature of my businesses, my primary products are books. But check them out and see what they've got to offer.

Clickbank is the largest affiliate network on the web. They literally have tens of thousands of electronic products you can promote and earn commission from. The best part of joining Clickbank, other than it's free, is that THEY pay you directly (rather than the individual product developers) so you're guaranteed to get paid.

Pay Dot Com
PayDotCom is a relatively new affiliate network that offers a large variety of products you can earn from. Joining is free, of course, and they pay you via PayPal.

Help Hub

HelpHub is a specialty affiliate network, offering self-help and self-development products.

Auction Ads
Auction Ads is a new and interesting income stream. You place image ads from Ebay on your site and for everyone that purchases or opens an account, you earn a commission. You control the types of ads you want to display, and that match your site/content.

The News Room
TheNewsRoom is a unique program, and I love it. You can earn a small commission for every visitor that visits your site. Or, you can earn more if your visitors watch a news clip. This is a really great income source for content sites or blogs.

Wordpress.com SUCKS!!!

For several months I had been posting the progress (and sometimes lack of progress) on my blog. I have my own blog on my server, but I don't like it, so I decided just to use wordpress. FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON AT ALL, THEY SUSPENDED MY ACCOUNT. I didn't post anything offensive, nor did I break any other rules according to their terms of service. But one of the clauses in the TOS is that they can cancel your account anytime, for no reason at at. Now because of the suspension, I lost earnings, readers and even more costly, my good reputation.

For my past readers, if you've managed to get here, I'll try to retrieve my files from wordpress, but I'm not holding my breath. I'll probably end up having to start all over again.

Well, here's hoping I don't get suspended again,

And to our success,
